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Newest Facebook Update + Our Cheat Sheet To Boost Benefits of "Thank You" Posts

By Renee Zau, Co-founder & CEO, DonationMatch According to Mashable,

"Beginning Tuesday [February 25, 2014], when a Page tags a separate brand or celebrity Page in a post, that content may surface for followers of both Pages. For example, if Mashable posts a story to Facebook and tags Google's Page, the post could now appear in News Feed for both Mashable fans and Google fans."

This is AWESOME news for all our members who are on Facebook, and a great reason to announce one of DonationMatch's upcoming features: social media "cheat sheets." Starting in March, event organizers will be emailed a list of  Twitter and Facebook accounts of companies from whom they received donations through DonationMatch to be able to easily tag/mention and thank them in posts! No more searching for accounts.

How does the Facebook update tie in to our cheat sheets? It means that a nonprofit's Facebook Page post tagging a donor may be seen by followers of BOTH the company and nonprofit's Pages. The company's fans could see the company they like being charitable, and the organization's fans could be introduced to a company that supports their favored cause. WIN-WIN!

We've seen more and more socially savvy event organizers engaging with donors (like this recent series of Twitter thank-you's by Spirit of Sharing), and companies are noticing. Sure, giving back to the community can be reward in itself, but publicly thanking them, raising their visibility, and making charitable companies more successful means that they will be able to continue donating for years to come.

Not sure how to tag/mention a Business in a post/tweet? Check out the simple instructions on Facebook and Twitter.

Again, we're VERY excited to be soon adding this unique "cheat sheet" reminder that will benefit our nonprofit and donor brands/business members alike and expect it to further help amplify the good you are all doing together.

In what unique ways have you publicly thanked your donors, or been thanked?